Silver Program

$500.00 every month

This program is designed for the serious athlete looking to gain the edge on their competition with the support, knowledge, and experience of Alex and John in your corner to tackle your health, fitness, and racing goals! Includes structure on and off-the-bike training program along with nutrition guidance and mindest techniques designed to help you be your best self. Ideal for the amateur, pro racer, or vet rider looking to take their racing to the next level. Not a motor-sport athlete? If you’re looking for a comprehensive fitness plan tailored to your individual needs/schedule, this is for you.

Expected Results

Those looking to feel their best on and off the bike. This program will improve your endurance, strength and optimize your lifestyle/training balance. It also provides nutritional advice and the tools for a strong mental game. Strengthens the appropriate muscle groups to build injury resilience and support racing/fitness longevity.

Program Features

  • Weekly communication with John or Alex via text, email, or within the app

  • 5-6 days a week of scheduled workouts tailored to athletes’ goals and lifestyle

  • Training plans are posted weekly and adjusted as needed to accommodate for disruptions and to ensure you keep progressing

  • Workouts include aerobic base-building, tempo sessions, threshold & Vo2 max intervals, moto-specific strength training, and riding structure

  • Easy-to-use fitness tracking app

  • Discounts from TT sponsors: Polar USA wearables, Athlete Blood Testing, LMNT Electrolytes, ICON Meats, HVMN Ketones, The FEED, and more!

  • Monthly fitness challenges for motivation/accountability

  • Access to the Athlete page. (Where we keep all of our top secret training info!)
